Capturing Code

Capturing allows developers to “capture” parts of their code and have it represented in the trace.

Incendiary provides separate sync and async capture decorators to facilitate this.


# somewhere you would like to capture

from incendiary import Incendiary

# for synchronous functions
def function_i_want_to_capture():

# for asynchronous functions

async def async_function():

# for methods

class SomeClass:

    @Incendiary.capture(name="help method")
    def method_i_want_to_capture(self):
        # do something

    @Incendiary.capture_async(name="help async method")
    async def async_method(self):

Note that the decorators are different for synchronous and asynchronous functions and methods.

Also, if the name is not provided, the function name is used. For example, for the synchronous function above, the name would resolve to function_i_want_to_capture.