
Welcome to Incendiary’s Documentation. Incendiary is an extension for Insanic that provides tracing functionality with AWS X-Ray. Since Insanic is a framework for micro services, being able to trace and get a transparent visualization of your system is very important.

Basically, Incendiary wraps aws-xray-sdk for use with Insanic.


This package’s was created to relieve a issue of observability when architecting a microservice system at my former employer. We needed a way to visualize how each application reacts to a certain request, how handles each request, and to provide insight into any performance inefficiencies.

But why Incendiary? Well, this is a tracing package, and in the military there are tracer rounds. Tracer ammunition is usually loaded in automatic rifles and machine guns with a tracer round for every 3-5 rounds. The purpose of these tracer rounds are help to visualize where the shooter is firing, and adjust for aim. And those tracer rounds have a mild “incendiary” effect ergo, the name for this package.


  • Tracing with AWS X-ray.

  • Create a segment when Insanic receives a request.

  • End the segment before returning the response.

  • Sampling configuration.

  • Start and end subsegments for interservice requests with Insanic.

  • Capture other parts of your code.

Good to Know

Since this is a tracing implementation, it would be good to know the basics of what is needed for tracing a micro service system.

Also, since Incendiary integrates AWS X-Ray, it would be good to know how AWS X-Ray works.

What about OpenTracing?

Although I wanted to develop tracing with a vendor neutral solution (i.e. OpenTracing), at the point in time when this project was in development, OpenTracing was not mature enough and there weren’t any “good” visualization tools available.

I do want Incendiary to be able to support OpenTracing in the future, but the timeline is currently unknown. Unless, you would like to contribute!

Indices and tables