Source code for incendiary.xray.utils

import re
from typing import Optional, Any

from sanic.request import File

from insanic.conf import settings


HIDDEN_SETTINGS = re.compile(
    "|".join(HIDDEN_KEY_WORDS + [v.lower() for v in HIDDEN_KEY_WORDS])

CLEANSED_SUBSTITUTE: str = "*********"

[docs]def tracing_name(name: Optional[str] = None) -> str: """ Returns that tracing node name. Appends the environment with the application's service name. """ if name is None: name = settings.SERVICE_NAME return f"{name}.{settings.ENVIRONMENT.lower()}"
[docs]def abbreviate_for_xray(payload: dict) -> dict: """ If the payload includes a file, the file is translated to just it's name and size instead of including the whole file. """ for k in payload.keys(): v = payload.get(k) if isinstance(v, File): v = {"type": v.type, "size": len(v.body)} payload[k] = v return payload
[docs]def cleanse_value(key: str, value: Any): """ Cleanse an individual setting key/value of sensitive content. If the value is a dictionary, recursively cleanse the keys in that dictionary. """ try: if cleansed = CLEANSED_SUBSTITUTE else: if isinstance(value, dict): cleansed = dict( (k, cleanse_value(k, v)) for k, v in value.items() ) else: cleansed = value except TypeError: # If the key isn't regex-able, just return as-is. cleansed = value return cleansed
[docs]def get_safe_dict(target: dict) -> dict: """ Returns a dictionary with sensitive settings blurred out. """ return_value = {} for k in target: return_value[k] = cleanse_value(k, target.get(k)) return return_value
[docs]def get_safe_settings() -> dict: """ Returns a dictionary of the settings module, with sensitive settings blurred out. """ return get_safe_dict( {k: getattr(settings, k) for k in dir(settings) if k.isupper()} )